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Check out our Youtube channel or Facebook page for HCR performance videos.


Here are some of our favorites!

No Time for Caution

Classical Milestones

We're absolutely serious about knocking your socks off.


Houston Chamber Ringers are known internationally for their creative programing and interactive live shows. We craft our concerts with your enjoyment in mind. We know there are many ways for you to listen to fabulous music performances in the comfort of your own home; that's why it is so important to us to create a live music experience that cannot be missed. 

And we know that handbells aren't that well known as a musical instrument. That's why at the end of every performance the audience is invited to our "Handbell Petting Zoo." Come up onstage with us and get some hands on experience with some very heavy metal. Chat with the musicians; they are happy to answer your questions and let you play with their toys!

Ring Out, Solstice Bells



Stevie Berryman, Artistic Director

© 2018 by Stevie Berryman.  Proudly created with

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